Visokokakovostna, 200 µ cast retroodsevna folija s prozornim, na pritisk občutljivim in odstranjivim lepilom (R-removable lepilo). Primerna za dolgotrajne promocijske grafike na vozilih, floti vozil in plovil, znakov ter za aplikacijo na ravnih ali valovitih površinah z ali brez zakovic. Na voljo 10 barv. Primerna za sitotisk ali digitalni tisk. Označene in certificirane v skladu z UN ECE 104 standardom. Obstojnost do 8 let.
Pošaljite upitUnprocessed film resists fuel vapors or occasional spills. This film uses 3M™ Controltac™ and 3M™ Comply™ technology. 3M™ Controltac™ minimizes the initial contact area of the adhesive and allows the applicator to reposition the film during application. This allows easier installation of large format graphics in a wide temperature range. Product variants with Comply™ adhesive also have air release channels for fast and easy, bubble-free graphic installations.